See how our platform
stacks up

Any tech platform can claim to be unique.
Any platform can claim to deliver.
We can prove it.

SmartX Manager
Simul8 Any Logic Mathematical, Statistical and AI/ML Based Models Budget Impact Models
Web-Based AI Powered Advanced Analytics Capabilities
AI Powered Advanced Analytics and Visualization
Customizable Dashboards and Comprehensive Reporting
Customizable Input Parameters
Granular Patient Level Analysis
Web-Based Customizable Dashboards
Existing Systems Integrated with Analytics Dashboard
CQI Dashboards (e.g., program, country, district, facility, etc.)
Tailored Web-Based KPI Monitoring Dashboard
Personalized Hosting (URL)
Software Requirements, Fees and Rates
Do I need to install the software to run the simulation?
Can I run on any device without a software?
Software fees (per user per year) £ 0 £ 5,195/year £ 25,200/year N/A N/A
Cost of private server (cloud services per year) £ 0 min £ 350,000/year £ 50,000/year N/A N/A
Dedicated private server with access credentials N/A N/A
Ready to use model
Simulation Capabilities
Ability to embed advanced statistical distributions,
e.g., Coxian Phase Type Distributions
Dynamic scenario modelling
Capture the full patient pathway
Unlimited number of users globally
Unlimited number of patients N/A N/A
Unlimited data storage
Electronic Health Record Integration
Web-platform adabtable to any medical condition, setting and system
Responsiveness and user intervention
Results generated instantly, especially for large samples (10,000+) N/A N/A
Demand, Capacity and Financial Planning Decision Support Tool (DST)
Planning of Services and Programs at Facility,
Local, Regional and National levels
Accurate Population Health Forecasting and Healthcare Needs Assessment
Accurately Forecasting Human and Non-Human Resource Needs
Accurate Financial Planning Over an Extended Period
Accurate Testing of the Impact of Interventions Prior to Implementation
A Comprehensive Demand & Capacity Planning Dashboards
Customizable Web-Based Demand & Capacity Planning DST
IT Security (Data Security and Confidentiality)
Encryption at Rest and in Transit
End-to-End Encryption of Services
2 Step Authentication
HIPAA/GDPR compliance
Cloud Services
Admin Centre
Organization Managed Groups
Managed at Program/Local/Regional/District/National Levels
IP Restriction Policies
Ease of Use
Can be used by non-tech savvy patients
Can be used by non-tech savvy patients
Can be used by non tech savvy healthcare workers
Can be used by non tech savvy policy makers
Can be used by non tech savvy decision makers
Can be used by non tech savvy monitoring & evaluation officers
Can be used by non tech govt officials
Can be used by non tech savvy payers
Can be used by non tech savvy researchers
Situation Room Analytics Dashboard
PowerBI Commcare DHIS2 OpenMRS Other
SMS systems
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Capacity Planning Decision Support System (DSS)
PowerBI Commcare DHIS2 OpenMRS Other
SMS systems
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
IT Security (Data Security and Confidentiality)
PowerBI Commcare DHIS2 OpenMRS Other
SMS systems
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
PowerBI Commcare DHIS2 OpenMRS Other
SMS systems
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Ease of Use
PowerBI Commcare DHIS2 OpenMRS Other
SMS systems
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management
Patient/Client Engagement
Patient/Client Safety
Patient/Client Satisfaction
Patient/Client Empowerment
Supports and Promotes Patient/Client Self-Management

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