Use Cases

The principle of digital ecosystem connectivity applies across any treatment regime that involves more than one stakeholder or data source.

Whether you need to connect labs to hospitals, researchers to doctors, pharmacies to clinics, or social services to nonprofit support groups, our system is ideally suited to the task.

Moreover, it was originally designed to bring complex groups of stakeholders and data sources together into a single ecosystem, creating a genuinely holistic approach to care.

We’ve deployed the SmartX Solution in support of the effective treatment of diverse conditions and diseases, from maternity to HIV.

Key benefits for all use cases:

  • Comprehensive: Our products bring solutions to all stakeholders within a single Bohemian platform (e.g., patients, doctors, nurses, service managers, policy makers, payers, researchers, clinical trialists, etc.)
  • Developed in a modular fashion
  • Decades of R&D: Bohemian platform developed after 2 decades of R&D
  • User-friendliness: Our solutions are easy to use on any device (mobile, tablet, desktop), particularly for non-tech savvy people even with little education, more than 80% of our users attest to it.
  • Relies heavily on research: We collaborate with the best academics, researchers, implementers in the field, e.g., University of Hertfordshire, South African Medical Research Council, Institute of Human Virology, University of Cape Town, UIowa, Rutgers etc.
  • Global Outreach: Our solutions are available globally and not for a specific country, region, or a service.
  • 100% independent: Our solutions are developed from first principle with NO reliance on third party software, platforms and systems which guarantee stable costing.
  • High IT security consideration: No open-source software used, as they are highly vulnerable, we use multiple encryptions, etc.
  • User defined: All developed technologies, AI algorithms, simulation models and systems are be-spoke, tweaked to individual needs as no one size fits all.
  • CEO/CIO part of core R&D: CEO/CIO have extensive experience in all aspects of developing intelligent systems (e.g., co-design process, digital solutions, statistical modelling, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, simulation, disease/health specific domain knowledge).

Use Case Examples

SmartHIV Solution

SmartHIV Solution, an AI powered game changing technology for a holistic HIV disease management, made up of five products with a focus on patients.

SmartHIV Clinician

Supports clinicians to provide the best possible treatment outcomes with all disease related complications for their patients, i.e., treatment strategies personalized and made precise for their patient.

BSmart Chart App

Supports HIV patient’s day to day management of their disease, e.g., adherence, nutrition, cognitive, emotional support, medication management, social discussions and the ability to connect with their clinicians in real time.

SmartHIV Manager

Supports HIV service managers in better planning of services and public health programs and identifying patient needs. Policy makers can establish needs at local, regional and national level.

HIV Smartlytics

Supports HIV practitioners by streamlining the process of collecting and analysing massive amounts of data via an EMR integrated advanced analytics and visualisation platform.

SmartHIV Trialist

Supports clinical researchers in academic or private organizations in HIV patient recruitment, retention, engagement and getting newly innovative products to patients through clinical trials.

SmartHIV Auditlytics

Supports HIV practitioners in monitoring and evaluating patient and service outcomes in real-time from patients using the BSmart Chart app, e.g., medication adherence, retention in care, and stigma and discrimination.

SmartCOPD Solutions

Introducing the SmartCOPD Solution, a revolutionary AI-powered approach to holistic Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) care.

SmartCOPD App

Empowers COPD patients to proactively manage their health, providing tools for symptom tracking, lifestyle guidance, medication adherence, exercise plans, pulmonary rehab support, community support, telehealth and EMR integration, and syncs with wearable devices.

SmartCOPD Manager

Supports COPD service management by optimising patient pathways, leading to improved outcomes, fewer unplanned admissions, and the recognition of the benefits of new interventions like pulmonary rehabilitation and smoking cessation.

SmartCOPD Auditlytics

Empowers real-time patient monitoring and evaluation of SmartCOPD App users linked with existing electronic health record systems, offering user-friendly analytics and visualisation dashboards. This includes tracking COPD symptoms, lifestyle and activity, healthcare engagement, quality of life, pulmonary rehab progress, adverse effects, and clinical outcomes.

SmartCOPD Trialist

Supports academic and private organisations' clinical researchers in the recruitment, retention, and engagement of COPD patients, facilitating the introduction of innovative products to patients via clinical trials.

SmartCOPD Clinician

Supports COPD specialists with real-time patient data, predictive analytics, treatment recommendations, and seamless communication capabilities to aid in accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment planning.

COPD Smartlytics

Enhances COPD practitioners' work by simplifying the collection and analysis of extensive data using an integrated EMR platform with advanced analytics and visualisation capabilities integrated with SmartCOPD Auditlytics.

SmartCOVID Solutions

An integrated digital solution for COVID-19, SmartCOVID Solution meets the pressing requirements of all involved parties.

SmartCOVID App

Enables individuals at risk and COVID-19 positive patients to take control of their health, providing tools for symptom monitoring, testing information, vaccination updates, appointment booking, guidance, support, and telehealth services.

SmartCOVID Manager

Equips key decision-makers to effectively manage services amidst fluctuations in COVID-19 infection rates and healthcare facility admissions, with the aim of minimising disruptions to critical services, including emergency departments and ICUs.

SmartCOVID Analytics

Facilitating real-time monitoring and assessment of SmartCOVID App users, seamlessly integrated with existing electronic health record systems. It provides user-friendly analytics and visualisation dashboards, encompassing infection rates, vaccination status, vaccine-related adverse effects, scheduled appointments, healthcare engagement, quality of life, and health outcomes in the context of COVID-19.

SmartCOVID Trialist

Supporting clinical researchers in academic and private organisations by enhancing patient recruitment, retention, and engagement for COVID19 vaccination clinical trials, facilitating the introduction of innovative products and interventions.

SmartCOVID Clinician

Equipping healthcare professionals with swift access to patient data, predictive analytics, personalised testing, and treatment guidance, along with seamless communication tools to improve COVID-19 testing, diagnosis, and the customisation of patient care plans.

COVID Smartlytics

Simplifying data collection and analysis for healthcare professionals using an integrated EMR platform with advanced analytics and visualisation features, seamlessly integrated with SmartCOVID Analytics.

SmartMNCH Solutions

Presenting the SmartMNCH Solution, an innovative digital solution for comprehensive Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (MNCH) care.

SmartMNCH App

Empowering mothers and pregnant women to actively manage their health, offering symptom tracking, lifestyle guidance, pre-natal and post-natal visits, immunisation, community support, and telehealth services.

SmartMNCH Manager

Enhancing MNCH service management to improve health outcomes, increase antenatal care and immunisation coverage, reduce mortality, and enhance maternal health indicators. It underscores the significance of introducing new interventions for maternal, neonatal, and child health.

SmartMNCH Analytics

Enabling real-time patient monitoring and evaluation, integrated with existing electronic health record systems. It offers user-friendly analytics and visualisation dashboards, covering maternal and child health indicators, healthcare engagement, quality of life, maternal care progress, neonatal health, child development, and health outcomes.

SmartMNCH Trialist

Supporting clinical researchers in academic and private organisations by enhancing patient recruitment, retention, and engagement for MNCH clinical trials, facilitating the introduction of innovative products and interventions.

SmartMNCH Clinician

Empowering MNCH practitioners with immediate access to patient data, predictive analytics, personalised treatment recommendations, and seamless communication tools to enhance diagnosis and tailor care plans for the specific needs of maternal, neonatal, and child health. Also provides instructions to community based traditional birth attendants.

MNCH Smartlytics

Streamlining data collection and analysis for MNCH practitioners through an integrated EMR platform with advanced analytics and visualisation capabilities, seamlessly integrated with SmartMNCH Analytics.

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